User-Centric Design for a Guitar Chords Education Platform

Market research uncovered a need for beginner-friendly guitar learning tools and a supportive online community; 90% of beginners quit within a year. Existing platforms often presented complex chord diagrams and lacked a clear progression plan, resulting in user frustration and decreased motivation.

As Chord-C co-founder, I designed the UI/UX to directly address these pain points.

Design Approach

Innovating traditional chord learning for a consistent, user-friendly experience.


Intuitive Interface

Designed accessible layout, focused on learning and minimizing cognitive load.

Innovative Chord System

Designed a scalable chord diagramming system for readability across devices.

Community Integration

Enhanced social features for learning through peer support and knowledge sharing.


The platform’s success is tied directly to its scalable design system, providing a supportive learning environment that fostered motivation and skill development.

Improved Learning Experience

User feedback praised Chord-C's clean chord diagrams and song tab structure, with many citing newfound motivation and quicker progress compared to traditional methods.

Sustained Growth

The platform saw significant weekly user gains, demonstrating success in offering a valuable solution to aspiring guitarists.


This project underscored the importance of deep user understanding in product design. With a well-structured design system in place, future iterations would focus on streamlined creation of advanced song tabs alongside robust chord search functionality, enabling skill progression and easy navigation of the growing knowledge base.

“We embarked on a journey to help other guitarists strike the right chord. I think we've found it with CHORD-C. Now, I'm driven to bring that same passion and systems-based approach to create even better experiences.”

Nor SanavongsayCo-Founder

Stringy Icons

Designed to align with Chord-C’s minimalist aesthetic and focus on ease of understanding.